Spotlight on Mars

As the Red Planet Mars is becoming more prominent in our skies, several missions are making their way across the gulf of space to explore. It’s an exciting time for Martian science! Let’s take a look at how our next door neighbour has captured the imaginations of the human race. Mars in the Solar System …

Spotlight on Jupiter

This month is a great time to see Jupiter in our night skies. Appearing in the south, the largest planet in our solar system is a brilliant sight, whether you’re observing with the naked eye, or following the path of its moons with binoculars! But what is this distant planet really like? A Planetary Goliath …

Spotlight on Venus

As the Earth’s nearest neighbour, Venus is one of the easiest planets to spot in the night sky. Named after the Roman goddess of love, it shines resplendently, often just after sunset or before sunrise. This week, it will be particularly bright, as it reaches its greatest brightness in the dawn sky of the 8th. …