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This image is an unannotated version of NASA’s Planetary Photojournal Home Page graphic. This digital collage contains a highly stylized rendition of our solar system and points beyond.

Our universe may be vast, but the small corner we inhabit has so much to discover! Journey through the solar system with us in this live presentation that will take you from the star that powers it all through to the very edges of our interstellar home. Planet Explorer will introduce kids and adults alike to the spheres we share our skies with in a fun and easy way.

Fly from Mercury all the way to Neptune as our presenter shows you the ins and outs of each planet in our solar system, and more besides! You’ll spend an hour learning what makes each one unique, and how they all fit together to form the solar system we know today. Our 360° screen will give you a view like no other, allowing detailed exploration of the planets’ surface.

No prior knowledge is needed to enjoy this new and innovative look at our solar system. Come along to become a Planet Explorer!

Please note the planetarium is NOT suitable for those with sensitivities to flashing lights and/or dizzying motion. If you have any accessibility needs, please let us know in advance. Latecomers will not be admitted.

Image credit: NASA/JPL-Caltech