Read our December sky notes to find out what’s in the night sky this month!
These constellations are well placed in the evening this month, but many more can be seen. Check the star map for more.
Orion rises due east about an hour after sunset at the beginning of the month. By the end, it appears right after the Sun sets. It moves across the sky to set in the west, and can be identified by the 3 star belt at it’s centre. Look directly beneath it to find the Orion Nebula.

Gemini can be seen next door to Orion. It rises about the same time but a little further north, moving across the sky throughout the night. Look for the bright stars Castor and Pollux which form the twins’ heads.

Taurus rises a little before Orion and Gemini, moving across the sky to set before sunrise. It can be identified by it’s distinctive tuning fork shape. Look a little to the right of it to find the Pleiades.

Mercury is too close to the Sun to be seen this month. It reaches its furthest point from the Sun, aphelion, on the 2nd, conjunction with Venus on the 29th and conjunction with Pluto on the 30th.
Venus sets shortly after the Sun, so can only be seen early in the evening just above the south western horizon. It is easier to see at the beginning of the month, since it sets later then. Venus will be in conjunction with the Moon on the 7th, conjunction with Pluto on the 13th & 22nd and conjunction with Mercury on the 29th. It will be at its greatest brightness on the 7th and highest altitude on the 13th.
Mars stays below the horizon for most of the time, only appearing just above the south eastern horizon a little before sunrise. It rises earlier as the month goes on so best views will be near the end of the month. Mars will be in conjunction with the Moon on the 3rd and the 31st, as well as lunar occultation on the 31st.
Jupiter appears above the south western horizon at sunset. It sets early in the evening, but will set earlier as the month goes on. Jupiter will be in conjunction with the Moon on the 9th.
Saturn marks the mid point of a 3 planet line formed alongside Jupiter and Venus this month. It can be seen in the south western sky after sunset, but sets early in the evening. Best views will be near the beginning of the month. Saturn will be in conjunction with the Moon on the 8th.
Uranus is too faint to be seen with the naked eye. It appears in the east at sunset before moving across the sky to set in the west in the early hours of the morning. It sets earlier as the month goes on.
Neptune is too faint to be seen with the naked eye. It appears in the south western sky after sunset and sets in the west later in the night. Neptune ends retrograde motion on the 1st.
Meteor Showers
The φ-Cassiopeids reach their peak on the 6th. The radiant (apparent origin point) of the meteors is in the constellation of Andromeda. Meteors will be visible all night as this constellation is circumpolar and never sets below the horizon. Best displays are likely to be around 21:00 GMT, when Andromeda is highest in the sky.

The Monocerotids reach their peak on the 9th. The radiant (apparent origin point) of the meteors is in the constellation of Monoceros. Meteors will be visible between 18:48 and 07: 14 GMT when the radiant is above the horizon. Best displays are likely to be around 02:00 GMT, when Monoceros is highest in the sky. You will be able to see about 1 meteor per hour.

The σ-Hydrids reach their peak on the 12th. The radiant (apparent origin point) of the meteors will be in the constellation of Hydra. Meteors will be visible from about 20:54 GMT until dawn at 07:16 GMT, when Hydra will be in the sky. Best displays will likely be around 03:00 GMT, when it reaches its highest point in the sky. You will be able to see about 1 meteor per hour.

The Geminids reach their peak on the 14th. The radiant (apparent origin point) of the meteors will be in the constellation of Gemini. It will be above the horizon all night, so meteors will always be visible. Best displays will likely be around 02:00 GMT, when Gemini is at its highest in the sky. You will be able to see around 113 meteors per hour.

The Comae Berenicids reach their peak on the 16th. The radiant (apparent origin point) of the meteors will be in the constellation of Leo. Meteors will be visible from about 22:24 GMT until dawn at 07:19 GMT, when Leo will be in the sky. Best displays are likely to be aroud dawn, as it reaches its highest point after sunrise. You will be able to see about 2 meteors per hour.

The December Leonis Minorids reach their peak on the 19th. The radiant (apparent origin point) of the meteors will be in the constellation of Leo Minor. Meteors will be visible from around 19:45 GMT until dawn at 07:22 GMT, when Leo Minor will be in the sky. Best displays are likely to be around 05:00 GMT, when it reaches its highest point. You will be able to see around 4 meteors per hour.

The Ursids reach their peak on the 22nd. The radiant (apparent origin point) of the meteors will be in the constellation of Ursa Minor. It is a circumpolar constellation, so meteors will be visible all night. Best displays are likely to be about 08:00 GMT, when Ursa Minor is highest in the sky. You will be able to see about 9 meteors per hour.

Last Quarter: 27th
New Moon: 4th
First Quarter: 11th
Full Moon: 19th
The Moon is at perigee, its closest point to the Earth, on the 4th, and apogee, its furthest point from the Earth on the 18th. This effect is not visually apparent.
The Moon is at perihelion, its closest point to the Sun, on the 5th, and aphelion, its furthest point from the Sun on the 18th. This effect is not visually apparent.
Points of Interest
Asteroid 44 Nysa will be at opposition on the 10th. Lying in the constellation of Taurus, it will reach its highest point in the sky around midnight. It will be visible from 18:51 until 05:01 GMT.

The Winter solstice will be on the 21st. This is the shortest day of the year in the northern hemisphere.
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Last updated: 9th November.